The LIGHT ON Bliki is a collaborative editor created to raise awareness on the words and expressions of the new racist discourse, including those that are considered normal expressions. The Bliki contains input from the project staff and findings from the transnational research, but everyone else is welcome to contribute. You can add new terms explaining why they are discriminatory, and you can also comment on someone else's contribution, sharing your opinion or point of view from other country. The Bliki's titles will be translated in the project languages, to see if these arguments are common in different European countries. To prevent any abuse, users need to sign up to contribute to the Bliki.
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Act against racist expressions! Explain their discriminatory feature and their negative impact to avoid they became acceptable.
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Hivatalos Hepatitisz-körkép: kiugróan magas a cigányfertőzött megyékben.
Hepatitis is extremely common in “Gypsy tainted” counties in Hungary. -
Azért van, hogy olyan sok roma szellemileg leépült, mert a roma kultúrában megengedett, hogy testvérek vagy unokatestvérek házasodjanak, vagy akár anélkül szexuális életet éljenek egymással
The reason why many Roma are mentally ill is because in Roma culture it is permitted for sisters and brothers or cousins to marry each other or just to have sexual intercourse with each other. -
Positiivisena asiana pitää aina kun tapetaan yksi muslimi tyttö, yksi potentiaalinen muslimi synnyttäjä saadaan pois pelistä
It can be considered positive that everytime a Muslim girl is killied, a potential Muslim-breeder gets out of the game. -
Parempi jättää marjat metsään kun että mutiaiset tulisi poimimaan ne
Better to leave the berries in the forest than to have mudfaces picking them -
Me sääiitään sua kun hengaat tummaihosten kaa
We feel sorry for you for hanging out with dark skinners