Parempi jättää marjat metsään kun että mutiaiset tulisi poimimaan ne

  •   Better to leave the berries in the forest than to have mudfaces picking them
  •   Inkább hagyjuk a bogyót az erdőben, mint hogy a sárosképűek szedjék le
  •   Meglio lasciare le bacche nella foresta che avere facce sporche per la loro raccolta
  •   Bolje, da pustimo jagode v gozdu, kot pa da jih nabirajo ti umazanci





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Others


created by admin

Hundereds of seasonal workers especially from Thailand coming to pick the forest berries during the summer months has been an increasing trend over the past ten years especially in the northern parts of Finland. The workers often work long hours with no work contracts. The local people complain that the berry pickers come too close to the settlements( <100 meters) and the tensions between the pickers and the locals are often high. The companies that organise the work report receiving hundreds of complaints from local inhabitants, often including racist slurs such as "better to leave the berries in the forest than have mudfaces picking them".

Why racist

created by admin

In many cases, the berry pickers in Finland are very marginalised due to non-existent work contracts, lack of appropriate legislature concerning seasonal work and the negative attitudes of local people. Furthermore, the racist slurs to discriminate the pickers is a common practice. For example, to refer to the seasonal workers as "mudfaces" associates the people with dirt and as such it is a commonly known rasict expression to degrade the other.

Sesonkityöläiset etenkin Thaimaasta saapuvat Suomeen poimimaan marjoja, mutta joutuvat todellisuudessa erittäin marginaaliseen asemaan. Samalla he joutuvat rasististen herjausten kohteeksi, jossa heidät esitetään likaisina tai heitä solvataan muulla tavoin rasistisesti.

A főleg Thaiföldről érkezett idénymunkásokra utal, akik diszkriminatív célú, rasszista sértegetése általánosan elterjedt gyakorlat. Például az idénymunkások „sárosképűnek” való nevezése ezeket az embereket a kosszal hozza összefüggésbe, ami a másik lealacsonyítására használt és széles körben ismert rasszista kifejezés.

La frase si riferisce ai lavoratori stagionali, provenienti soprattutto dalla Tailandia. I raccoglitori di more e mirtilli in Finlandia sono emarginati. Gli insulti razzisti per discriminare questi lavoratori sono una pratica comune. Ad esempio, riferirsi ai lavoratori stagionali come "mudfaces" (facce sporche), associa il loro gruppo etnico allo sporco e in quanto tale è una espressione razzista comune, ben nota per umiliare l'altro.

Nabiralci gozdnih jagod na Finskem so sezonski delavci, večinoma iz Tajske, ki so zelo marginalizirani. Rasistične žaljivke, ki diskriminirajo nabiralce, so stalna praksa. Na primer, označevanje sezonskih delavcev z izrazi kot so "umazanci" povezuje ljudi z umazanijo in je kot tako pogosto uporabljano kot rasistično izražanje z namenom ponižanja.


created by admin

News reported by mainstream media, e.g. YLE, a public-service broadcasting company:

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!