Romák, mint állatok

  •   The Roma as animals
  •   Romanien esittäminen eläiminä
  •   I rom come animali
  •   Romi, kot živali





Target groups

  • Roma


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"A significant part of the Roma are unfit for coexistence. They are not fit to live among people. When they meet with resistance, they commit murder. They are incapable of human communication. Inarticulate sounds pour out of their bestial skulls. At the same time, these Gypsies understand how to exploit the 'achievements' of the idiotic Western world. But one must retaliate rather than tolerate. These animals shouldn't be allowed to exist. In no way. That needs to be solved -- immediately and regardless of the method." – Zsolt Bayer, a prominent conservative commentator and a close friend of the Prime Minister wrote in an op-ed, in mainstream right-wing daily Magyar Hírlap on 5 January, 2013. The incident was further investigated, Mr Bayer was condemned to pay fines for his commentary.

Why racist

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The text conveys massive prejudices against the Roma community, and at the same time hints at the European social policies: “these Gypsies understand how to exploit the 'achievements' of the Western world” - suggesting that current social policies are naive and the policymakers "idiotic".

Romanien väitetään olevan kykenemättömiä yhteiseloon “ihmisten kanssa”. Konservatiivinen kommentaattori, joka kirjoitti, että romanit ovat eläimiä eikä heidän olemassaoloaan tule sallia, tuomittiin sakkoihin. Kirjoitus kuitenkin heijastelee niitä raskaita ennakkoluuloja, joita romaniyhteisöön kohdistuu.

A cigányság jelentős része nem alkalmas az együttélésre…. Az állatok meg ne legyenek”. Az újságírót kijelentéséért bírság fizetésére kötelezték.
A szöveg súlyos előítéletet fogalmaz meg a roma közösséggel szemben

I rom sono inadatti alla convivenza (civile)”. “Questi ‘animali’ non dovrebbero esistere”. Zsolt Bayer, un influente editorialista in un giornale di destra, e amico intimo del premier,è stato condannato a pagare un’ingente somma per questi suoi commenti, che veicolano un enorme pregiudizio nei confronti della comunità rom.

Gre za izrazit predsodek proti Romom, saj jih primerja z živalmi, ki naj jim ne bi bilo dovoljeno obstajati. Poleg tega namiguje, da so trenutne socialne politike (glede Romov) naivne in oblikovalci teh politik "idiotski".


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The editorial was published in mainstream right-wing daily Magyar Hírlap on 5 January, 2013 Commentaries in International Media:

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