Saatanan neekeri, neekeri kakara

  •   Satan's nigger, nigger brat
  •   A Sátán négere, néger csirkefogó
  •   Negro di satana; negro moccioso
  •   Satanov črnuh; črnuharski pamž





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Others


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Umayya Abu-Hanna is a Finnish-Palestinian writer, reporter, a former member of the Green party and ex-representative at the Helsinki City Council. Abu-Hanna wrote in the major Finnish newspaper "Helsinginsanomat" an article concerning racism that her 3-year old adopted daughter originating from Zulu had been forced to face from the Finnish public. For example, Abu-Hanna noted that "satan's nigger" and "nigger brat" were racist slurs commonly used to address Abu-Hanna's daughter by different people in the public space. The article evoked a wide discussion in the Finnish media regarding racism and migrants.

Why racist

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"Nigger" is commonly and widely applied term used to degrade members of the outgroup. To use the term jointly with terms such as satan and brat is to amplify the racist message.

Rasistisia herjauksia, joita ihmiset olivat huutaneet kirjoittajalle ja tämän lapselle julkisessa tilassa. Neekeri-sanaa voidaan yleisesti käyttää halventamaan vähemmistöryhmän jäseniä, ja “saatana” ja “kakara” vahvistavat rasistista viestiä entisestään.

Köztereken is elterjedt rasszista kifejezések. A „néger” egy széles körben és általánosan használt kifejezés a külcsoportok tagjainak lealacsonyítására. A Sátán vagy csirkefogó szavakkal együtt való használatuk még inkább felerősíti a rasszista üzenetet.

"Negro di satana", "negro moccioso" sono insulti razzisti usati comunemente da diverse persone in pubblico. "Negro" è un termine comunemente ed ampiamente usato per umiliare le persone di colore. Usare il termine unitamente a termini come satana e moccioso porta ad un’amplificazione del messaggio razzista.

"Črnuh" je pogosto uporabljan izraz za poniževanje “drugih”. Uporaba izraza skupaj z izrazi kot sta “satan” in “pamž” še razširi rasistično poniževanje.


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The article was first published in the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat: Conversation concerning the article continued widely i.e. //

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!