The LIGHT ON Bliki is a collaborative editor created to raise awareness on the words and expressions of the new racist discourse, including those that are considered normal expressions. The Bliki contains input from the project staff and findings from the transnational research, but everyone else is welcome to contribute. You can add new terms explaining why they are discriminatory, and you can also comment on someone else's contribution, sharing your opinion or point of view from other country. The Bliki's titles will be translated in the project languages, to see if these arguments are common in different European countries. To prevent any abuse, users need to sign up to contribute to the Bliki.
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Act against racist expressions! Explain their discriminatory feature and their negative impact to avoid they became acceptable.
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Je splošno znano, da so židovske in islamske svete knjige in pridige vsebujejo ogromno »sovražnega govora« in »širjenja verske ter rasne nestrpnosti.
It is widely known that the Jewish and Islamic holy books and sermons contain a lot of "hate speech" and "spread of religious and racial intolerance." -
Nasilje med mladimi v šolah - je povsem samouvidevno, da so pobudniki in glavni akterji tovrstnih konfliktov ravno generacije priseljencev iz bivše Jugoslavije.
Violence among the youth at schools - it is absolutely obvious that the initiators and main actors of such conflicts are precisely the generations of immigrants from the former Yugoslavia.