Smelly Jew: Go back to your own country

  •   Haiseva jutku, painu takaisin omaan maahasi
  •   Büdös zsidó, menj haza a saját országodba
  •   Fetido ebreo, tornatene al tuo paese
  •   Smrdljivi žid, vrni se v svojo državo


United Kingdom



Target groups

  • Jews


created by admin

Anti-semitic interpersonal attacks reported: The CST (community security trust) has been monitoring and reporting on Anti-Semitic incidents in the UK since the 1980s.In the 2012 report, a number of discriminatory attacks against the Jewish were acknowledged. The contexts were mostly interpersonal interactions with some online hate speech, and vandalism – all individual rather than organised attacks. The incidents have been at times very insulting, for example there were numerous references to Hitler, Auschwitz, and gassing Jewish people.

Why racist

created by admin

All of the incidents display an aggressive attitude towards Jewish people. There is some scapegoating in the conspiracy comments, as the Jewish people are presented as the architects of major terror attacks that have led to a number of wars in the Middle East. Some of the attacks use offensive terms such as “kikesters” and suggest that Hitler “should have finished the job”.

Ilmaisee antisemitististä, aggressiivista asennetta juutalaisia vastaan.

A feszólítás antiszemita, és agresszív viszonyulást fejez ki a zsidó emberekkel szemben.

E’ una frase fortemente antisemita, che esprime un atteggiamento aggressivo nei confronti delle persone di religione ebraica.

Izjava je antisemitska in izraža nasilen odnos do judovske skupnosti.


created by admin

The CST antisemitic report can be reviewed at

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