Je splošno znano, da so židovske in islamske svete knjige in pridige vsebujejo ogromno »sovražnega govora« in »širjenja verske ter rasne nestrpnosti.

  •   It is widely known that the Jewish and Islamic holy books and sermons contain a lot of "hate speech" and "spread of religious and racial intolerance."
  •   On laajalti tunnettua, että juutalaisten ja muslimien pyhät kirjat ja saarnat sisältävät paljon ‘vihapuhetta’ ja levittävät ‘uskonnollista ja rodullista suvaitsemattomuutta'.
  •   Köztudott, hogy a zsidó és iszlám szent könyvek és beszédek gyakran tartalmaznak "gyűlöletbeszédet" és "vallási és faji intoleranciát terjesztenek".
  •   E' ampiamente noto che i libri sacri e i sermoni ebraici e islamici contengono un sacco di "discorsi dell'odio" e "diffondono" intolleranza religiosa e razziale".





Target groups

  • Jews
  • Muslims


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This is Blood and Honour organization’s discourse that tries to revert the hate speech accusations directed at their racist and intolerant views: "In addition, it is widely known that the Jewish and Islamic holy books and sermons contain a lot of "hate speech" and "spread of religious and racial intolerance." A Blood & Honour concert could also take place under the guise of religious ceremony. If you forbid the Jewish and Muslim communities in order to subsequently forbid our concert, we very much thank you for that, indeed for encouraging you to take the right decision.”“Even in the case you forbid the operation of Jews and Muslims, no one can take from us the right to protest. In Germany - your good example of legislation against far right wing groups – there are extreme right-wing protests every week. If you prefer to see us on the streets as opposed to a hall or disco, fair enough." (Source:

Why racist

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In the text they construct the religious groups/minorities of Jews and Muslims as those who are protected too much and as those who are actually racists per se and in an essentialist manner (since it is written in their holy books and is thus inherent to them), spreading religious and racial intolerance and displaying hate speech in holy books. The organisation also finds it plausible to abolish any rights thus leading to abolishment of democracy, as being in accordance with their ideology.

Kyseessä on Blood and Honour -järjestön puhetapa, jossa järjestöön kohdistetut rasismi- ja suvaitsemattomuussyytökset pyritään kääntämään ympäri. Puhetavan mukaan juutalaisia ja muslimeja ylisuojellaan, vaikka he ovat todellisuudessa kaikkein pahimpia rasisteja.

A Vér és Becsület egyesület beszédmódja megpróbálja a visszafordítani a rasszista és intoleráns nézeteiket érő gyűlöletbeszéd-vádat. Úgy állítják be a zsidó/muszlim vallási csoportokat/kisebbségeket, mint akik túlzott védelmet élveznek, holott tulajdonképpen maguk a rasszisták.

Questa affermazione, proveniente dall'organizzazione slovena di estrema destra "Sangue e Onore", cerca di ribaltare sugli ebrei le accuse di “discorsi di incitamento all’odio” dirette nei loro confronti, per cui vengono additati come razzisti e intolleranti. I gruppi e le minoranze religiose (ebrei e musulmani), sono “costruiti” come beneficiari di forme di protezione eccessive e identificati come i veri razzisti per descrivere il proprio gruppo come vittima di forme di razzismo al contrario.

Diskurz organizacije Blood and Honour poskuša obrniti obtožbe, ki so usmerjene v njihove rasistične in nestrpne poglede. Konstruirajo religiozne skupine/manjšine Judov in Muslimanov kot tiste, ki so preveč zaščiteni in ki so pravzaprav dejanski rasisti.


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On the web page of the society/organisation "Blood and Honour Slovenia",

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!