Črnuh, nigro, opica!

  •   Black, negro, monkey!
  •   Musta, neekeri, apina!
  •   Feka, nigger, majom!
  •   Nero, negro, scimmia!





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Others


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On 2 july 2001, an African person (Inacio Bintchende), at the time famous for his role on a Slovenian TV show, and also as an Amnesty International activist, was attacked by a group of skinheads outside of his apartment in Ljubljana. First, he was faced with verbal racist assaults (“What the fuck, you motherfucker Negro, go home!”; "Black, negro, monkey!"), but then skinheads slapped Bintchende in the face and started to beat him. On 11 July 2010, another racist attack/incident occurred. Skinheads (approximately a groups of 30 people) first verbally assaulted a group of people (4 men, 2 women), who were mainly from Cuba, shouting at them that they should go back to the jungle. They threw chairs, bottles/glasses and stones at the victims, while one of the Cubans was also physically attacked. Slovenians were also amongst the group with Cubans, since one of the Slovenians is married to a Cuban girl. The man was also lightly physically injured.

Why racist

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The manifestation is overtly racist due to its verbal racist assault (“What the fuck, you motherfucker negro, go home!”), and also the physical assault as a consequence of racist attitudes. In the second case the situation is similar, the attack was racially motivated, since the attackers were shouting degrading words (e.g. monkeys and negroes) thus constructing a hierarchy of humans vs. animals. The attackers also demanded the Cubans to leave/to go away, i.e. back to the jungle. These are actually very extreme racist expressions, supported by a huge physical attack, which is alarming.

Avoimen rasistinen, halventavia sanoja käyttävä ilmaisu, joka luo ihmisten ja eläinten välisiä hierarkioita. Edustaa äärimmäistä rasismia.

Nyíltan rasszista, lealacsonyító szavak (pl. majom, nigger), amelyek az emberek és állatok közti hierarchikus viszonyt állítják. Szélsőségesen rasszista kifejezések, gyakran súlyos fizikai támadás kíséretében hangzottak el, ami különösen riasztóvá teszi őket.

Chiaramente razzista; fa ricorso a termini umilianti (es: paragoni tra neri e scimmie ) implicando dunque una gerarchia degli uomini (bianchi) sugli animali (neri). Si tratta di espressioni di razzismo veramente estremo, accompagnato da un enorme mole di attacchi fisici, che è particolarmente allarmante.

Gre za odkrito rasistično žaljivko. Poniževalne besede (kot so, opice, črnuhi) konstruirajo hierarhijo ljudje vs. živali. Gre za ekstremno rasističen izraz, podprt s fizičnim nasiljem, kar je zaskrbljujoče.


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