LIGHT ON research highlights the negative effect of racism, and showed that even if explicit forms of racial hatred still exist, a wider definition of racism unveils different shades of the phenomenon: “newer” forms of racism, deeply embedded in the society and, consequently, they are more difficult to spot and challenge.
LIGHT ON visual database collects symbols and pictures, shown with the sole purpose to raise awareness on their strong negative impact. Indeed, these racist and discriminatory images are extremely harmful and affect people. This tool presents their original and hidden meaning, confirming how dangerous and offensive they are. It is possible to browse the database filtering the content by Country/Typology/Format/Target group or choosing the place where it originally appeared.
LIGHT ON BLIKI is a collaborative editor created to raise awareness on the words and expressions of the new racist discourse, including those that are considered normal expressions. The Bliki contains input from the project staff and findings from the transnational research, but it is also open to external contributtion. It is possible adding new terms explaining why they are discriminatory, and commenting on someone else's contribution, sharing, for example, a point of view from another country.
"Understanding the perception of racism. Research as a tool against racism" is the summary report of LIGHT ON research activities, as coordinated by the project Scientific Board, composed by the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), the Peace Institute and the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia (ISIG). You can also download the full research report, drawing the most relevant conceptual debates in the field of studies of racism, nationalism, xenophobia, discrimination, intolerance, processes of Othering, and practices of exclusion. The report synthesises secondary data on racism in the five project countries: Finland, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom.
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