LIGHT ON seminar in Budapest

LIGHT ON watching point in Hungary organizes an awareness seminar in Budapest to discuss language of the exclusionary speech and how to give effective responses.

In the framework of the LIGHT ON activities carried out at national level, the Hungarian partner ELTE (the Eötvös Loránd University) has organized a seminar in Budapest, on Friday the 30th of May.

The seminar focuses on the refusal to recognise racism as normal and will see the presentation of the results of research carried out in five Hungarian universities (Pannon University, University of Debrecen, University of Miskolc, University of Pécs and Eötvös Lóránd University), where the participants studied different manifestations of exclusion. Following the same methodology, students analysed the language of the exclusionary speech, pictures and policies and tried to give effective scientific responses. 

For more information and to attend contact the Hungarian Watching Point:

Gábor Bernáth, manager of Light ON National Watching Point ( or Flóra Somogyi (