Foreigners: Deceiving the National Health Service

  •   Ulkomaalaiset: Kansallisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän huiputtajat
  •   Idegenek: félrevezetik a Nemzeti Egészségügyi Szolgálatot
  •   Stranieri: Ingannate il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale
  •   Tujci: goljufajo nacionalni zdravstveni sistem


United Kingdom



Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Jews
  • Muslims
  • Roma
  • Others


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Dr J. Meirion Thomas writes in a right-wing weekly Spectator about the free riding foreigners who are infact ineligible to the NHS -services and who take advantage, abuse and exploit free healthcare in the UK at the British taxpayers’ expense. The article relates to wider discussion in the UK regarding who should be eligible to the services by NHS. In the article, foreign patients are referred as frauds who abuse the existing healthcare system.

Why racist

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The article conveys a message of hierarchy in healthcare: The writer assumes that the "English" individuals and groups are more eligible for healthcare than others living in the UK and wants to discriminate people on the basis of their migratory status. The article refers to people who can access free healthcare as abusers of the system and claims that the exisiting policies require to be changed.

Artikkelista, jossa halutaan rakentaa terveydenhoidon hierarkiaa ja väitetään, että “englantilaiset” ovat hoitoon muita ihmisryhmiä oikeutetumpia. Ihmisten pääsyä hoitoon halutaan rajoittaa heidän vähemmistöasemansa perusteella.

Az üzenet az egészségügyi rendszeren belüli hierarchikus viszonyokat állít, mintha az „angol” személyek és csoportok jogosultabbak lennének az egészségügyi ellátásra, mint mások, akik az Egyesült Királyságban élnek, és arra törekszik, hogy diszkriminálja az embereket a bevándorló státusuk alapján.

Messaggio di gerarchia nell’accesso alla sanità pubblica, si assume che gli individui e i gruppi "inglesi" abbiano maggior diritto all'assistenza sanitaria di altri che vivono nel Regno Unito, e intende discriminare le persone solo per la loro condizione di immigrati.

Sporočilo namiguje na hierarhijo v zdravstvu. Izjava predpostavlja, da so "angleški" posamezniki in skupine bolj upravičeni do zdravstvenega varstva kot drugi, ki živijo v Združenem kraljestvu in želi diskriminirati ljudi na osnovi migracijskega statusa.


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Article was published in the right-wing weekly magazine:

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