Your tribe need to behave like proper English children

  •   Teidän heimonne täytyy käyttäytyä kunnollisten englantilaisten lasten tavoin
  •   A törzsednek úgy kellene viselkednie, mint a rendes angol gyerekeknek!
  •   I bambini della vostra tribù devono comportarsi come i veri piccoli inglesi
  •   Vaše pleme bi se moralo obnašati kot urejeni angleški otroci


United Kingdom



Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Muslims


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In 2011, the BBC Radio 4 presenter Mishal Husain was the victim of racist abuse in a branch of Waitrose supermarket in North London. An ‘older’ man told her that her children or ‘tribe’ needed to behave like ‘proper English children’. Mishal Husian consequently posted on Twitter "Joy of the supermarket: irritable older gentleman tells me my tribe need to behave 'like proper English children'. The tweet was since picked up by the public and the media

Why racist

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Describing Husain's children as a tribe is used as a derogatory term to imply that they are not civilised or belong in the "English" community. The statement conveys a message of hierarchy - that Husain’s children need to improve in order to become like “proper English children”. The statement suggests that Mishal Husain and her children are different to other English people and that this is why the children are misbehaving. It questions their identity as British citizens, and assumes racist attitudes towards immigrants.

Halventava ilmaisu, joka antaa ymmärtää, että tietyn ihmisryhmän lapset eivät ole sivistyneitä eivätkä kuulu “englantilaisten” yhteisöön. Pitää yllä ajatusta ihmisryhmien välisestä hierarkiasta.

A megszólaló egy nő gyerekeit nevezi törzsnek, amit így megalázó, sértő kifejezésként használ, és azt sugallja vele, hogy a gyerekek civilizálatlanok, vagy nem tartoznak az „angol” közösségbe. A kijelentés hierarchikus viszonyokat állít.

Affermazione con un forte valore dispregiativo, che implica che il gruppo a cui si rivolge (quello della conduttrice radiofonica Mishal Husain, di origine pakistana) non sia civilizzato e non appartenga alla comunità "inglese". Questo tipo di affermazioni veicola un forte messaggio di gerarchia.

Gre za poniževalen izraz, ki namiguje, da pripadniki etničnih manjšin niso civilizirani in da ne spadajo v “angleško skupnost”. Izjava izraža sporočilo o hierarhiji.


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Ms Husain posted the incident on Twitter after which the discussion continued in the wider media. E.g.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!