Žabjak - ciganska ekološka bomba

  •   Žabjak - a gypsy ecological bomb
  •   Žabjak – mustalaisten ympäristöpommi
  •   Žabjak (szlovéniai falu) – egy cigány ökológiai
  •   Žabjak, una bomba ecologica zingara





Target groups

  • Minority groups
  • Roma


created by admin

A village known for its Roma inhabitants is described as an "ecological timebomb", directly alluding to environmental problematic associated with the lack of sewage, drinking water etc., which have been known to plague the Roma population in parts of Slovenia, where their settlements remain "unregulated" and without appropriate infrastructure.

Why racist

created by admin

If there were Slovenians doing the same (and there are, since in Slovenia there are huge amounts of illegal garbage dampings all around Slovenia), such language would usually not apply – i.e. nobody would use it. This kind of behaviour practiced by Slovenians would count only as a practice of some “deviant Slovenians”, while in the case of Roma people it is interpreted as part of their culture. For these reasons this is a form of neoracism. Gypsies are portrayed and constructed as dirty, thieves, careless, and as a threat to Slovenian villagers.

Sloganilla viitataan tiettyyn romanien asuttamaan kylään, jota pidetään ekologisena aikapommina. Kyseessä on eräänlainen uusrasismi, jossa romanit kuvataan likaisiksi varkaiksi, jotka eivät huolehdi ympäristöstään ja ovat uhka tavallisille kyläläisille.

A neorasszizmus egy formája, a romákat koszos, tolvaj, nemtörődöm emberekként állítja be, akik fenyegetést jelentenek a szlovén falusiakra.

E' una forma di neorazzismo. Gli zingari sono ritratti e definiti come sporchi, ladri, incuranti e come una minaccia per i cittadini sloveni.

Gre za obliko neorasizma. Romi so predstavljeni in konstruirani kot umazani, tatovi, brezbrižni ter kot grožnja slovenskim vaškim prebivalcem.


created by admin

On the webpage "Here is Slovenia"

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!