Ciganska problematika

  •   Gypsy problematic
  •   Mustalaisongelma
  •   Cigánykérdés
  •   Problematica zingara





Target groups

  • Minority groups
  • Roma


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Taken from a website of a racist group that subsumes all the complexities under the "Gypsy problematic" heading, further noting that “The concept of a Gypsy does not only refer to the language or the "culture" of these people, but on a whole set of factors, habits, behaviours, and beliefs about belonging - in short: the factors. Undoubtedly, we can say that the essential factors are: belief about gypsyness (ciganstvo), nomadism or change of residence, language and making living by performing legally and morally controversial activity. While other factors that reinforce the notion of gypsies are: their specific way of life, disability or opposition to integration into society, refusal of state institutions (unless they represent a bonus), and the exploitation of a society etc.”

Why racist

created by admin

Equating gypsyness (the notion Gypsies) with specific characteristics such as performing legally and morally controversial activity for living, specific way of life, nomadism, exploitation, unwillingness to integrate and similar. Particular phenomena are generalized to a whole community and their identity; which is thus essentialised and naturalised. This type of language is a typical racist practice of establishing differences and hierarchy, as well as othering. The language is also degrading. Besides, they are using the discourse of mirror accusations – it is supposedly Roma who are racist towards other people and not vice versa – i.e. Slovenians are in no way racist and intolerant against the Roma / Gypsies, but the other way around (first paragraph) thus employing double speech and double standards of “us” versus “them”.

Tällainen väheksyvä kielenkäyttö on tyypillistä rasismissa, jossa pyritään luomaan hierarkioita ja toiseutta.

Ez a nyelvhasználat lealacsonyító és különbségtevő, hierarchiát tükröz és elidegenít.

L’idea dello zingaro come persona incline all’illegalità, al nomadismo, allo sfruttamento e alla resistenza all’integrazione espressa in questo tipo di linguaggio è una tipica pratica razzista di stabilire differenze e gerarchie su base etnica. Il linguaggio è anche umiliante.

Tovrsten jezik predstavlja tipično rasistično prakso ustvarjanja razlik in hierarhije ter poustvarjanja drugega. Jezik je tudi poniževalen.


created by admin

The text appears on the patriotic Hervardi website

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!