Nedopustno v Sloveniji - Migracije na slovenskem

  •   Unacceptable in Slovenia – Migrations in Slovenia
  •   Anteeksiantamatonta Sloveniassa – Siirtolaisuus Sloveniassa
  •   Szlovéniában elfogadhatatlan – bevándorlás Szlovéniába
  •   Inaccettabile in Slovenia - Migrazioni in Slovenia





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Jews
  • Muslims
  • Roma
  • Others


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The sentence is a part of a wider racist anti-immigration writing: "The procedure of assimilation is strongly affected also by the “will and wish” of foreigners to adapt to their environment. In Slovenia foreigners have very little or absolutely no interest to integrate (get included) into Slovene society; this is especially true for late newcomers from former Yugoslav republics, since their language similarities do not demand harder efforts for basic communication. There are very rare cases when foreigners adapt in a relatively short time. /…/. If we take into account the current immigration of foreigners and we display it in a linear trend, we can realize that in the year 2060 Slovenians will represent less than 50% of the population of Republic of Slovenia. Many would not bother with this date, since it is “very far” and one will not live until then, but you should know, that it will be our sons, daughters, grandchildren and their children those who will fight for their rights against the foreigners. We have to ask ourselves if we want our children to have such a heritage and if we aren’t obliged to take care of their spiritual and material wellbeing? /…/ The very number of immigrants is the factor number one, however not the only one, that destroys the composition of population in Slovenia. Foreigners are not only destroying the national homogeneity of Slovenians, but also the gender composition, which is the second factor.”

Why racist

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The text constructs two different groups: Slovenians and foreigners/others. Foreigners are represented as a threat for Slovenian population, as people who force their culture upon others, and do not adapt to another country’s “culture” and “society”. Among foreigners, especially southern people from the former Yugoslavian republics/Balkans are targeted as those who do not adapt. Implicitly the hierarchical language of us vs. them is used and represents a form of racism and derogatory discourse about people from the south/former Yugoslavia. The language uses the discourse of fear and shock by stating that Slovenians will be diminished by half in few decades. Foreigners as a threat are the reason for an urgent reaction from the majority Slovenian population in order to save and provide for future generations and their well-being – implicitly stating that if foreigners will still be here and continue to come, the well-being of Slovenians will deteriorate.

Ulkomaalaiset halutaan nähdään uhkana, johon kansan enemmistö oikeutetusti reagoi. Halutaan viestittää, että jos ulkomaalaiset jäävät maahan ja heitä tulee vielä lisää, slovenialaisten hyvinvointi rappeutuu.

Az idegenek fenyegetésként való beállítása a szlovén többségi társadalom sürgős beavatkozására szolgáltat okot: megmenteni a jövő generációkat, és gondoskodni azok jólétéről. Ezzel burkoltan arra utal, hogy ha az idegenek továbbra is itt lesznek, és még többen jönnek, annak a szlovénok jóléte lesz az ára.

Gli stranieri, visti come una minaccia, rendono necessaria una urgente reazione da parte della popolazione slovena dell’etnia di maggioranza, al fine di salvare le generazioni future e provvedere al loro benessere - implicitamente afferma che se gli stranieri continueranno a vivere e continueranno ad arrivare in Slovenia, il benessere degli sloveni verrà meno.

Tujci kot grožnja predstavljajo razlog za takojšnjo reakcijo večinskega slovenskega prebivalstva z namenom, da se zaščiti in zagotovi za prihodnje generacije in njihovo blaginjo – implicitno navaja, da če bodo tujci še naprej tu, se bo blaginja Slovencev poslabšala.


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The text has been published on the Hervardi "patriotic" group’s webpage under the link The group actually displays xenophobic and racist disocurse.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!