- Homosation
- Homozáció
- Gayzzazione
- Homozacija
Target groups
- Minority groups
- Others
A word coined by groups of people who demand the ending of the promotion of homosexuality in media, in entertainment and in social discourse more generally. The original context of the word is a counter-reaction to debates seeking to strengthen the LGBT-rights of sexual minorities in Finland. The term conveys an argument that the exorbitant promotion of minorities' rights is suppressing the status of the majority population.
Why racist
The white, heterosexual, non-foreign, ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’ majority is said to be threatened by the overt promotion of sexual minorities and turned into a scapegoat of the undermined position of the minority. On the other hand, the minorities are being scapegoated for the decline of decent, ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’ values of the society. The term "homosation" continuates the xenophobic and racist discourse where the mainstream population and their way of life are argued to be threatened by the alternative identities. Homosexuality or homosexual behaviour are not considered to be part of “Finnishness”, and racist and xenophobic groups strongly promote homophobic discourse.
Sanaa ovat käyttäneet ryhmät, jotka vaativat homoseksuaalisuuden edistämisen lopettamista mediassa, viihdekulttuurissa ja yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussa ylipäätään. Antaa ymmärtää, että vähemmistön oikeuksien yletön edistäminen uhkaa enemmistön asemaa yhteiskunnassa.
A szót az emberek egy olyan csoportja alkotta, akik a homoszexualitás médiában, szórakoztatóiparban és általában a társadalmi párbeszédben való támogatásának befejezését követelik. A kifejezés azt az üzenetet hordozza, hogy a kissebségek jogainak túlzott támogatása rontja a többség helyzetét.
Parola coniata da gruppi di persone che chiedono la fine della promozione dell'omosessualità nei media, nello spettacolo e più in generale nella società. Il termine esprime il concetto che vi sia un’esorbitante promozione dei diritti delle minoranze, che sopprimerebbe lo status della maggioranza della popolazione.
Beseda je skovanka skupine ljudi, ki zahtevajo konec govorjenja o homoseksualnosti v javnosti. Izraža argument, da pretirano spodbujanje pravic manjšin tlači status večinskega prebivalstva.
The word was brought to mainstream attention in connection to an event labelled Hetero Pride, a demonstration organised in Helsinki in September 2013 as a counter-reaction to the argued celebration of homosexuality in the society. To a large extent, the word has been used and spread in the social media, with some spin-offs into the traditional media and news outlets.