Čefurji - Takoj vidiš, kdaj imaš opraviti z pretepačem.

  •   Southerners - You can immediately understand that you have business with a bully
  •   Etelästä tulevat – heti näkee, että on tekemisissä öykkärin kanssa.
  •   Déliek – rögtön felismered, ha egy bunkóval van dolgod
  •   Meridionali - Si vede immediatamente quando si ha a che fare con un bullo.





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups


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The author describes the characteristics of southerners, the term: “defines immigrants or descendants of immigrants from the states of former Yugoslavia, who have low level of education, low living standard, who usually work in physically hard construction jobs, cleaning and other physical and low salary jobs, they enrol in occupational educational programs and usually live in bad conditions. They are very scarcely integrated in Slovenian national tissue. Many southerners have come for many different reasons, they have earned money with handsome and less handsome business and consequently achieved higher standard, but still they haven’t assimilated into society. Their wish to better life in Slovenia has come true, but their respect for the state has not improved. A southern youngster differs from a Slovenian young man by the first sight/looks. You can immediately understand that you have business with a bully, sometimes with a crazy man and sometimes with a completely harmless southerner. All southerners are not bullies, however very few of them are not bullies. Usually they have darker complexion, black hair and black eyes, and overgrown eyebrows. Often we see them wearing necklaces, which can be very extreme. Some of them would even hang sewage covers, if they could. They wear sportswear (trenerke), wide jeans, tight T-shirts etc. Usually they listen to their music – Bosnian, Serbian folk music and/or turbo folk from ex Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.”

Why racist

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In this post under the title “Čefurji” the author describes the characteristics of southerners. It is a language that categorises people according to stereotypic characteristics, which are all negative. Similarly to racist categorisations from 18. and 19. Century, they categorise people according to their physical (morphological) characteristics (complexion, hair, eyes, eyebrows) and some supposedly specific ways of dressing and cultural engagement. Since in the Slovenian society all these characteristics represent a negative connotation, such language constructs a very negative and pejorative image of southerners (having bad taste and being “ugly”).

Tässä kirjoittaja on kuvaillut tietyn ihmisryhmän oletettuja kielteisiä luonteenpiirteitä ja kategorisoinut ihmisiä niiden perusteella. Slovenialaisessa yhteiskunnassa näillä piirteillä on hyvin negatiivisia konnotaatioita, ja “etelästä tulevista” luodaan näin hyvin pejoratiivinen mielikuva.

A szerző a déliek jellemzőit írja le, egy olyan nyelven, amely az embereket kizárólag negatív, sztereotip jellemzők alapján sorolja kategóriákba és a rájuk állítólag jellemző kulturális viselkedési formákba. Mivel a szlovén társadalomban ezek a jellemvonások negatív jelentést hordoznak, ez a nyelv nagyon negatív képet fest a déliekről.

L'autore descrive le caratteristiche dei meridionali. Si tratta di un linguaggio che categorizza le persone in base a delle caratteristiche stereotipate, del tutto negative, che fanno apparentemente riferimento a certi modi di vestire e atteggiamenti culturali. Dal momento che nella società slovena tutte le caratteristiche elencate hanno una connotazione negativa, tale linguaggio costruisce un'immagine molto negativa e dispregiativa dei meridionali.

Avtor opisuje značilnosti “južnjakov”. Gre za jezik, ki kategorizira ljudi glede na streotipizirane značilnosti, ki so izključno negativne in nekatere domnevno specifične načine kulturnega delovanja. Ker imajo v slovenski družbi vse te značilnosti negativno konotacijo, tovrsten jezik konstruira zelo negativno in slabšalno podobo “južnjakov”.


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