Evropejci, ohranimo našo raso živo!

  •   Europeans, preserve our race alive!
  •   Eurooppalaiset, säilyttäkäämme rotumme puhtaana!
  •   Európaiak, tartsuk életben a fajunkat!
  •   Europei, manteniamo la nostra razza viva!
  •   Evropejci, ohranimo našo raso živo!





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Jews
  • Muslims
  • Roma
  • Others


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This is a part of a wider text that is overtly racist under the guise of preserving "our own" culture: “EUROPEANS, PRESERVE OUR RACE ALIVE! Diversity kills our race and culture; today all races are allowed to be proud of their skin, only to us, White people, is this forbidden and labelled as racist discrimination and racist terrorism. Through a superficial tolerance the idea of multi-culturalism is forced upon us, while we are the real victims of multiculturalism. They force on our children the anti-white propaganda on every step; they teach them to glorify foreign races, race mixing and acceptance of foreign lifestyles! We, the White people, are the only race that offered help to many, but in return got terrorism, looting and destruction. OPEN YOUR EYES; RACISM IS ONLY A DISGUISE FOR ANTI-WHITE ACTION, FOR DESTRUCTION AND EXTERMINATION OF OUR CULTURE, OUR PEOPLE AND OUR HOMES!”

Why racist

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The paragraph speaks for itself: it overtly states difference between races in all senses, not only biological (white skin) but also cultural (our culture, our people, and our homes) and diversifies “us” from “them”. It is overtly against multiculturalism and any race-mixing, as well as against foreign lifestyles. It sees white race as superior (“helping others”), while other races as violent, barbaric and ungrateful.The message uses not only derogatory language, double speech (positive “us” and negative “other”) and scapegoating, but claims supremacy of one race (white) over another (all the rest), which is the strongest example of racism.

Slogan ilmaisee valkoiseen “rotuun” liitettyä ylivaltaa suhteessa kaikkiin muihin “rotuihin”, mikä on rasismin vahvin ilmenemismuoto.

Az üzenet egyetlen faj (a fehér) felsőbbrendűségét hirdeti (a többi felett), amely a rasszizmus legerősebb megnyilvánulása.

Il messaggio afferma la supremazia di una razza (bianca) su di un'altra (su tutte le altre), ed è il più forte esempio di razzismo.

Sporočilo navaja prevlado ene rase (bele) nad drugo (vsemi ostalimi), kar je najbolj očiten primer rasizma.


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Autonomous Nationalists of Slovenia, ANSI,

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!