
  •   Illegal
  •   Laiton
  •   Törvényen kívüli
  •   Ilegalci





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Others


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In modern Italian, clandestino equals illegal. The term is widely used in reference to irregular immigrants and it is somewhat negatively charged. The use of this word is disputed due to its negative connotation.
The term entails an ideological point of view on immigration, which is reinforced while used to depict immigrants as a whole lacking the right to residence. It often recurs in political discourse, in order to label "the other" as a “criminal immigrant”. Doing so migrants are presented as a dangerous class, and this idea is used both to frighten public opinion and support securitization policies on immigration. The term is used by the news media to talk about immigrants’ crimes, it is commonly applied in public debates and entails the idea that immigration is wrong by definition.

Why racist

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Clandestino equals negative connotation of the term “illegal” and suggests that immigrants are associated with criminality. The term is widely used to speak ill against immigrants and to construct immigration as a threatening trouble.

Termi kytkeytyy laittomuuden negatiivisiin konnotaatioihin ja liittää yhteen siirtolaiset ja rikollisuuden.

A „törvényen kívüli” („clandestino”) kifejezés a „törvénytelen” negatív jelentését hordozza. Azt sugallja, hogy a bevándorlók összefüggésbe hozhatók a bűnözéssel.

La parola clandestino ha una connotazione piuttosto negativa rispetto ai termini inglesi "illegal" o “undocumented”, e suggerisce che gli immigrati siano collegati alla criminalità.

‘Clandestino’ enači negativno konotacijo pojma ‘ilegalen’ in predpostavlja, da so priseljenci povezani s kriminalom.


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The word clandestino, intended both than an adjective than a noun is used widely in politics, media and everyday interpersonal interaction.

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