L'Italia è schiava dei banchieri ebrei

  •   Italy's under slavery of Jewish bankers
  •   Italia elää juutalaisten pankkiirien orjuudessa
  •   Olaszország a zsidó bankárok rabszolgája
  •   Italija v suženjstvu židovskih bankirjev





Target groups

  • Jews


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In December 2013, while the street protests organized by anti-austerity and anti-government Pitchfork Movement (Forconi in Italian) rose in many Italian cities, blocking commerce and transports, Andrea Zunino, one of the leaders of the movement, said in an interview to Repubblica (one of the most read and influential Italian daily) that Italy was a “slave of bankers like the Rothschild’s” also adding that "five of the world's six richest people are Jews".

Why racist

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The Jew banker’s conspiracy to rule the World was one of the pillars of the anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda during the Third Reich. It’s an openly racist statement and the argument is constantly found in international extremist movements as, as well as other movements related to white supremacy (e.g. “White Power”). Jews are depicted as plotters against the economic sovereignty of the nation-states and subsequently portrayed as a treat to “real” Italians.

Ajatus juutalaisten pankkiirien salaliitosta maailman hallitsemiseksi oli Kolmannen valtakunnan natsipropagandan peruspilareita. Se on avoimesti rasistinen lausunto kuvaillessaan juutalaiset vehkeilijöiksi, jotka juonivat kansallisvaltioiden taloudellista itsenäisyyttä vastaan ja ovat uhka “oikeille” italialaisille.

A zsidó bankárok világuralomra törő összeesküvése a Harmadik Birodalom antiszemita náci propagandájának egyik pillére volt. A kijelentés nyíltan rasszista. A zsidókat úgy ábrázolja, mint akik az nemzetállamok gazdasági szuverenitása ellen szövetkeznek, és ennek következtében veszélyt jelentenek az "igazi" olaszokra.

La cospirazione dei banchieri ebrei che governano il mondo era uno dei pilastri della propaganda nazista antisemita durante il Terzo Reich. Si tratta di una dichiarazione apertamente razzista. Gli ebrei sono raffigurati come cospiratori contro la sovranità economica degli stati-nazione e, dunque, sono dipinti come una minaccia nei confronti degli italiani "veri".

Gre za odkrito rasistično izjavo, v kateri predstavlja judovska bančna zarota enega izmed temeljev anti-semitske nacistične propagande v času Tretjega rajha. Judje so označeni kot zarotniki ekonomske suverenosti nacionalnih držav in predstavljeni kot grožnja “pravim” Italijanom.


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The interview was published in mainstream newspaper “La Repubblica” on 13th December 2013.
Widespread discussion of the statements followed in the media e.g.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!