Rauhan uskonto

  •   Religion of Peace
  •   A béke vallása
  •   Religione di pace
  •   Religija miru





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Muslims


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Rauhan uskonto – ”a religion of peace”, an euphemistic or reversed expression attached to Islam and more specifically to Somali people in the xenophobic, anti-immigrant discourse, especially on web forums. The expression seeks to ridicule the opponents of nationalist rhetoric, e.g . those that promote immigration and a multicultural society and blame xenophobes for racism. The expression is applied to spread stereotypes of ’militant’ or ’aggressive’ Muslims. The meaning derives from the opposite of the expression: “a religion of war”, which is reversed to make visible the alleged gullibility regarding the supporters of a multicultural society.

Why racist

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The term conveys a message of hierarchy, where Muslims are seen as inevitably militant and aggressive: This identity is attached to them by ridiculing the multicultural agenda. The expression conveys a message against politicians and policies that promote multicultural society by stressing, inversely, that all they will bring is turmoil and anxiety. The purpose of the term is to say that Muslims are aggressive and militant and unable to participate in a peaceful society.

Islamiin ja erityisesti somalialaisiin liitetty, ylösalaisin käännetty ilmaisu, jonka tavoitteena on esittää muslimit aggressiivisina ja sotaisina ihmisinä, jotka eivät kykene toimimaan osana rauhanomaista yhteiskuntaa.

Az iszlámhoz és különösen a szomáliai emberekhez kötődő inverz kifejezés. Üzenete az, hogy a muszlimok agresszívek, harciasak, és nem képesek békés társadalomban élni.

Espressione eufemistica rovesciata, riferita all'Islam e più specificamente alla popolazione islamica di origine somala. Lo scopo del termine è quello di affermare che i musulmani siano attivisti aggressivi, incapaci di far parte di una società pacifica.

Gre za obrnjen izraz, povezan z islamom in predvsem Somalci na Finskem. Izraz ima namen prikazati vse muslimane kot agresivne in militantne; kot nesposobne sobivanja v miroljubni družbi.


created by admin

The expression has been used in online discussion forums. Furthermore the expression has been applied by xenophobic politicians, even MPs that share the anti-immigrant ideology of certain online debaters.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!