- Immigration Critic
- Bevándorláskritika
- Critici dell'immigrazione
- Kritik priseljevanja
Target groups
- Foreigner/Migrants
The so-called immigration critics want to argue that their agenda is not racist or based on fear or suppression but that they want to apply the freedom of expression in societal debate and highlight the problematic dimensions of humanitarian immigration. The term is meant to convey the ideological argument that immigration (referring here mainly to the asylum and family re-unification) is a topic that is not allowed to be debated or discussed honestly or openly in a society. However, when one reads the “critical” debates by the “critics”, it is obvious that there are no limits to how, for example asylum seekers are described or how the problems they bring to the society are formulated. This dimension remains in the foreground of the debate and the term itself does not prevent the “critics” from expressing their extremely xenophobic views and opinions. A “critic” of immigration is, in reality, a fierce opponent of both the current immigration policy and the immigrants themselves.
Why racist
The term conveys racist and xenophobic undertones. A “critic” of immigration is, in reality, a fierce opponent of both the current immigration policy and the immigrants themselves.
Termi pohjautuu rasistisiin ja ksenofobisiin asenteisiin. Maahanmuuton “kriitikko” on todellisuudessa sekä nykyisen turvapaikkapolitiikan että itse siirtolaisten kiihkeä vastustaja.
A kifejezésnek rasszista és idegengyűlölő felhangja van. A bevándorlás „kritikája” a valóságban élesen támadja mind a jelenlegi bevándorlási politikát, mind pedig magukkat a bevándorlókat.
Il termine ha delle sfumature razziste e xenofobe. Un "critico" dell'immigrazione è, in realtà, un fiero oppositore sia della politica di immigrazione attuale che degli immigrati stessi.
Izraz ima rasistične in ksenofobne podtone."Kritik" priseljevanja je v resnici oster nasprotnik tako sedanje politike priseljevanja in priseljencev samih.
The term has been coined amongst the xenophobic debaters and their kingpins on the online and public discourse. The term has spread outside its original context to political be applied discussion and media more widely.